Hibernate ORM


Hibernate Processor is a standard Java annotation processor which produces the Jakarta Persistence static metamodel, validates queries at compilation time, and implements Jakarta Data repositories.

Jakarta Persistence static metamodel

The static metamodel is a standard part of JPA. It lets us reference the persistent fields and properties of an entity in a completely typesafe way. Consider the entity class Order:

public class Order {
    Integer id;
    Customer customer;
    Set<Item> items;
    BigDecimal totalCost;

    // ...

Hibernate Processor would generate the static metamodel class Order_, something like this:

// code generated by the annotation processor
public class Order_ {
    public static volatile SingularAttribute<Order, Integer> id;
    public static volatile SingularAttribute<Order, Customer> customer;
    public static volatile SetAttribute<Order, Item> items;
    public static volatile SingularAttribute<Order, BigDecimal> totalCost;

The static metamodel class allows to write criteria queries like this, without the use of strings:

var builder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
var query = builder.createQuery(Order.class);
var item = query.from(Order.class).join(Order_.items);
query.where(builder.equal(item.get(Item_.id), 5)).distinct(true);

Query validation

Hibernate Processor is able to completely validate HQL, JPQL, and JDQL queries provided via annotations—​for example, using a JPA @NamedQuery annotation, a Jakarta Data @Query annotation, or a Hibernate @HQL annotation—​and report any errors in the syntax or typing of the query at compilation time.

Hibernate Data Repositories

Hibernate Processor is the thing which provides the implementation of a @Repository interface in our implementation of Jakarta Data, Hibernate Data Repositories.

You write a repository interface like this:

public interface Library {

    Optional<Book> byIsbn(String isbn);

    List<Book> byTitle(@Pattern String title);

    void add(Book book);

    void delete(String isbn);

    List<Book> allBooks(Sort<Book> bookSort);

    List<Book> allBooks();


Then Hibernate Processor provides an implementation which complies with the semantics defined by the Jakarta Data specification.

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